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Blog 12 - Ditched

Ever been ditched? My scarf today in glowing yellow came about as a result of my being ditched.

I mentioned yesterday I should have called myself Lazy Daisy, so I thought I'd have a look for a scarf with a daisy theme. Nothing jumped out at me in my easily accessed collection, so I had to search on a shelf just out of my reach. How can anyone fall off a six inch stool? No big injury, just a bash on the shin. A quick application of arnica to stop bruising. Dear me! Arnica appeared in the Blue Garden blog as well. Looks as if I am always falling over! Could not find a daisy scarf, so this Indian silk one has flower shapes and is at least the colour of the daisy heart. It reminds me of another little accident.......

I bought it in a charity shop in Lewes after one of the maddest coach outings I have been on. The Richmond branch of the U3A, the University of the Third Age, organises great coach outings and this particular one was to  Charleston in Sussex. I was looking forward to this visit to the former home of Vanessa Bell, sister of Virginia Woolf, and Duncan Grant. Fascinating lot, the Bloomsbury Group and how great to see her work on walls, furniture, in fact anything which could be decorated with colour in a very small, humble farmhouse. We were on the last mile of the journey, uneventful until then. The road was very narrow and our coach driver pulled over to a passing place to allow an oncoming car get by. Whoops! A heavy rainfall had caused the collapse of the ground and the coach landed in the ditch tilting at a very nasty angle. Driver phoned for help. Charleston centre sent hot drinks and snacks, but we could not access them easily. Fire engines, and ambulance arrived after some time, blue lights flashing and sirens blaring. One by one, we were helped down a ladder at the back of the coach. Much as I would have enjoyed a burly fireman's lift, I went for the gingerly backwards descent on my own. We were then ferried by staff cars to Charleston. It was a cold day, and hot soup seemed more important than any aesthetic appreciation! Been back since and properly appreciated the art.

After our curtailed visit, our driver found another coach and we went on to Lewes, shaken, and yes, stirred! Left to our own devices for an hour or so, I had afternoon tea in a florist shop with a lovely lady I have not met since, an unplanned treat of Pre-Raphaelite windows in St.Michael's Church, a climb around the ruins of the Norman Lewes Castle, even a quick dash around the Museum of Sussex, thanks to my Art Fund membership......and to top it all, a visit to a charity shop opposite the castle. 

The gold Indian scarf beckoned..... Buy me, buy me......

My thanks to the emergency services then and especially today. Don't ditch them. Do your bit and stay indoors.

Tomorrow,  I hope my scarves don't get me into more trouble!

Busy Bee, Scarf Face!

Blog 12



Apr 07, 2020

Another great tale Hazell! You’re an inspiration x


LUPauline Dorking
Apr 07, 2020

Hello i have just joined your blog today thanks to i look forward to your scarves and stories x love Pauline from Petersham Richmond. Aged 70 live alone no family xxx


Apr 07, 2020

And continuing with the Lewes theme it is where the late great Honor Blackman lived until she died yesterday at the grand old age of 94. I also happen to live 15 minutes down the road.


Janine Phillips
Janine Phillips
Apr 07, 2020

Wonderful!! Brought a smile this morning. Thank you so much for these lovely stories. Glad you are ok. Much love Janine xx

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